About Me

My name is Jacob and I am a professional Tarot Reader and Psychic Medium.

When Did I Start My Journey?

When I was seven years old I was gifted my first tarot deck and it was a dollar store tarot deck that is now out of print. But throughout that time I became more and more drawn to the tarot cards, to the point where they were something I always had on me. But through the years I started to get involved with the tarot community and started to meet some amazing people that helped me on my journey.

By the time I was eleven I started to read at events and fundraisers that I was invited to. The more I did those the more I realized that my calling was towards the tarot. After awhile I ended up moving to bookstores and metaphysical shops because I liked to read for other readers for the fact I though I was saving other hero's. Once I started to teach tarot I decided that those places just weren't providing the best revenue for me so I decided to take my business online. Now I read tarot for people all over the world and I also get to meet so many new people! Everything about my journey has been just amazing and I wouldn't change it for anything.

What Kind of Tarot Reader Am I?

There are three types of categories I like to think that tarot readers are in. First is the Physical readers and those are readers that think of the tarot as just a deck of cards. What I mean is that tarot cards are just cards and that they don't have any spiritual properties at all. Most readers in this category believe that they are what makes tarot cards what they are. You'll see them use both definitions of the cards and definitions that they also have came up with for the cards.

The Second category of readers are spiritual readers and that is where you find readers who believe that the cards have this mystical propriety that we need to respect. Most of the time you'll find that readers like this reading in way that is like the tarot is talking to them and that the cards or something is telling them what to say in the reading. Often you'll see a lot more intuitive readings coming from readers in this category.

The Third type of readers are the in-between personal readers, and these readers like to mix the two categories so it fits a style that they mostly came up with. Now I am not saying that they are the only type of reader that has their own style of readings but these readers don't consider themselves to be like other readers. You will often see them using the meaning of the cards but also a intuitive approach also. I find that these readers are more open when it comes to new schools of thought with the tarot and maybe own a wide a variety of tarot decks.

Now finally which one am I? I am the third type of reader. I use the tarot in an intuitive approach but also I use everything I have learned with the meanings and symbolism in the tarot. I don't consider the cards to have any mystical property but I do think that they need to be respected. I also do my readings by giving answers and explaining everything about the cards in front of me. I like to say I am making a book with my readings because I like to give all the information in a way you'd see how a book formed. I'll have more information on types of readers in the future with my blog/ YouTube.

Who Am I As A Person?

I like to think of myself as a pretty open person in general. Sometimes I might not be but for the most part I am. Throughout my years I started to fall into depression and was soon diagnosed with it. Some would say that it holds them back but I like to think that it has helped me grow in life. I started to become more understanding of others around me and that has helped me so much in life so far. The downside to it was the fact that I always felt alone and I also lost some amazing people in my life. Even losing these people though I started to see who my real family is and so now I have a close family that is filled with friends.

Now I am also sometimes someone who is very upfront with the things I say. I don't have a filter so my mouth gets me in trouble a lot as you could imagine. You will see that in my YouTube Videos more and more as they get posted. But because my mouth gets me in trouble I can cause drama sometimes that I know I will regret. I am getting better at biting my tongue though.

I hope that you enjoyed that and if you want to get in contact with me you can through my email or my social links! I send love and light to you and thank you for taking the time to read this.