What Is Tarot?

Tarot is an ancient form of divination that is used with a deck of cards. Now a traditional deck of tarot cards have 78 cards in them and in those 78 cards are 2 sections. The first section being the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Majors are filled with cards that most say are major life event cards while the minors are filled with everyday life events. That is what makes a tarot deck different from the playing card decks you may play poker or goldfish with.

Throughout history though we see the tarot and how it is ever so changing in the world. We see the first complete tarot deck surfacing in the fourteenth century and that deck is the Visconti Sforza Tarot. Now this deck is what we call a pip deck and we will get into those later on. What made tarot known in this time was that it was known as a card game called tarocchi. But it soon after became something that people will pick up and learn the art of fortune telling. There is so much more about the history of the tarot and I could go pages and pages over it but I don't think that I am the best to write about it. Here is a link that you can follow to read more about it if you are interested in learning more of the History of the tarot.

What makes the tarot Work?

So many people out there have the idea that the tarot has special powers and that only some people can read the cards. To me that is not the case because to me the tarot is just a deck of cards and the true power comes from you. They're many different ways that a tarot reader can read the cards to make the cards 'work" also. Some think that you need a ritual and some don't. Really what makes the tarot work is the person that is reading the cards.

What Is A Tarot Reading?

A tarot reading is really when a reader (person with the cards) and a querent (person receiving the reading) consult the cards and peers into situation or life of the querent. Usually in the reading the querent asks a question for the reader to answer but sometimes the reader will read the cards without a question also. To get the make a reading what it is, there is also a layout. A layout is when the reader takes the cards and put lays them out in a certain order which might make the card represent something different each time but also sometimes they don't have certain representations. When the cards are laid out the reader reads the card by a couple different ways. You can find those ways in the about me section also.

Types of Questions You Can Ask The Tarot

You can really ask any type of question you want but different readers may not accept certain subjects of questions. You can find that in the FAQ section. The most common questions that I receive are questions about love, finances, family, Jobs, Spirit, and personal growth. But if you have a question that is not one of the subjects that I listed that is totally okay also.

Example questions-

How can I find Love?

Is he the one?

How can I become more successful?

What is my life path?

Where am I meant to be?

How To Make The Best Question?

The best type of questions are the ones that are open ended. They usually start with How, When, and What.

Questions to try and avoid are close ended questions and those usually start with Is, Are, Will, and Can.

The reason why you want open ended questions is because this way you can get a reading that gives you as much information as it can instead of a simple yes or no answer.

Does It Matter What Tarot Deck Is Used?

Yes and no because really it depends on the reader and what they feel comfortable using. A reader may have 100 or so tarot decks and only use one. But for me I am comfortable with all my decks and use all of them for different types of readings.